Home School Association

The Home School Association (HSA) exists to support the life and work of the school, children, parents and teachers and is open to all members of the school community. The HSA is a registered charity and is a member of the National Confederation of Parent Teachers’ Association.

Termly fundraising and social activities are arranged, with dates and details published in the Monday Messenger, the school’s weekly newsletter.

Meetings of the HSA are held regularly – committee meetings are flexible and are usually held after school or in the evening at someone’s house.

An Annual General Meeting is held during the Autumn Term at which a committee is elected.

The HSA identifies long and short term projects for its fundraising. We are extremely grateful for the additional support from our HSA. 

The HSA are always keen to involve members of our school community to support to the work of the group.  If you have any queries or would like further information please talk to Amy Taylor, School Business Manager.


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